People say,” it’s not important how a pencil look like but the quality of graphite inside the pencil is what matters”,
We seem to agree with people. In order to protect the top and core of the pencil, we have got you a very protective topper. This lid is made up of silicon. It can fit all sizes of pencils.
The surprise hidden in this fidget pencil topper has yet to come. It is a pop-it button right on the top of the pencil topper. Its fun to play with it while solving your sums in mathematics or thinking about the equations of chemistry,
– Made up of silicon
– A unique pencil lid
– Good to use against depression
– Fun pencil topper
– Anti-stress
What will you get:
Silicon topper: become your class topper with the silicon topper.
Anti-stress: do hard work in your studies and release excess stress through this pop-it pencil topper.
Keep the pencil safe: Learn the proverb given above, (all about protecting the pencil) and keep the lid on.
Stay focused: With the pencil topper on your pencil, you will stay focused on your work.
Pencil extender: if you are into drawing, this lid will act as a pencil extender for a good grip.